Tobacco and nicotine products manufacturers

Tobacco Europe is the European umbrella organization representing three of the largest tobacco and nicotine products manufacturers.
About Tobacco Europe
Our Membership
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Tobacco Europe's Manifesto

Regulations & Positions

Industry Exclusion
Tobacco Europe adheres to and endorses compliance requirements set by the laws and regulations governing the industry, including the overarching Framework Convention for Tobacco Control. The association advocates for an open and transparent line of communication with all the interested parties when meeting with regulators and external stakeholders.
About Industry Exclusion
The goal of tobacco harm reduction is to prevent or reduce the health risk associated with smoking for people reluctant or unwilling to stop.
About Community
Tobacco Europe is of the view that any decision on taxation should reflect the concerns and core interests of individual Member States. Therefore, any increase in the minimum rates must be limited as Member States should have full control over their fiscal policy and on how they generate revenue.
About Taxation
We support reasonable, proportionate, and evidence-based regulation that respects adult freedom of choice and recognizes that tobacco and new nicotine products are consumed by more than a billion people worldwide.
About Products
Tobacco Europe and its member companies believe strong marketing principles are necessary to ensure products are being advertised and marketed in a responsible and compliant way.
About Marketing
To reduce littering, the industry cooperates with relevant stakeholders in establishing national EPR schemes whilst ensuring that core principles, as stipulated in the Directive, are respected (i.e., transparency, cost-efficiency, proportionality).
About Environment

Economic contributions of traditional tobacco and new nicotine products to the EU 27

The traditional tobacco and new nicotine products industry has made significant economic contributions to the European Union and its communities.
Regulations and positions

Industry news delivered quarterly.

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    Tobacco Europe AISBL Avenue de Cortenbergh, 120 B - 1000 Bruxelles
    Contact us
    EU Transparency Register 1496873833-97 Tobacco Europe (TE) AISBL, registered number 0879 438919

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